As We See It.
Map Michigan's Most Dangerous Bridges
Thank you Jonathan Oosting and MLive, for drawing attention to a problem that isn't going away.
The photo to the right is Michigan's Governer, Rick Snyder, alongside the Director of the Michigan Dept. of Transportation, Kirk Steudle, examining the deficient substructure of a bridge on I-96 in Lansing. If the pothole-ridden surfaces of the roadways we travel each day aren't enough to convince Michigan drivers of how seriously deteriorated our transportation infrastructure is, this bridge, and altogether too many others like it, are exactly why Michigan voters need to pass Proposal 1 on May 5th.
See 'Structurally Deficient' Bridges in Your County
Make no mistake, it's a funding problem. We can argue all day about government waste, or diverting funds from one cause to another, but the fact is that we have a transportation infrastructure funding problem in our state and it is causing our roads and bridges to deteriorate faster than we can fix, or even maintain them.
Follow the link above to the article and read it, or at least run a search of deficient bridges for your home county to see how many deficient bridges there are around your home. Don't foget to take a good look at any routes you or your loved ones travel on a regular basis during their commutes to and from work or school.
You should also click on the "Vote YES" button above to learn more about Proposal 1 and what it would mean to you, in no-nonsense terms.
Johathan Oosting |